Olson and the union opposed the reform policies put in place by previous boards, such as closing schools with low test scores.
Their material Limogés porcelain speaks of ornament, collectability and status, but their form implies a very specific utility.
These types of elaborate dance routines were very tightly choreographed to create purely ornamental human formations, where the individual is important only as a component of the composition.
Chalkbeat is also profiling each of the 12 candidates for four seats on the Denver school board.
Last year, city leaders for pushing out former Denver schools Superintendent Susana Cordova.
The continuum along which Olson's works travel is twisted and turned upon itself, like a Mobius strip upon which form and content exert inseparable and indistinguishable identities.
Description: The disks are round like a Petri dish and many of the patterns are inspired by Busby Berkeley's choreography.