Restaurants and Food in Rovinj After exploring Rovinj, for lunch or supper, stop at one of the many restaurants where, in the open, you can enjoy some of the delicious, healthy sea food, taste the savoury traditional dishes and exellent Istrian wines.
The town itself is situated on a peninsula that used to be an island, and its considered to be one of the last remaining of the original Mediterranean fishing port.
Mi smo tako znali birati dane, ovisi o raspoloženju i zeljama.
Petak koji put previse pojedinaca, subota parovi, nedjelja guzva.
If case You dont like crowded places then You must visit Rovinj in early fall and even spring.
E sad pošto je poznata koncepcija takvih klubova mislim da malo serucka....
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Danas se brak mladom čovjeku čini poput projekta, koji će kad tad morati završiti.
No warm up suits or baseball hats are permitted.
Description: The city needed space and spread on the mainland.