This is what made her join the porn industry to experience a better sex life.
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Personal Life Elsa is new in the porn industry but she says she enjoys her career.
She says she can't sing but she does make our hearts and our cocks swell.
She had the perfect pussy but she is ruined now with the fake ass bullshit implants.
In fact, since she supposedly joined the industry because her sex life was terrible and she desperately needed an improvement in the orgasm department, you'll notice an incredible vivacity with which she approaches every scene.
The busy exec doesn't spare a word for her hardworking assistant as she has her take care of her papers, handle her schedule, and run her errands, but Elsa knows one sure-fire way to get the boss's approval: give her a cigar and a sexy show at the end of a long hard day! Porn Career The years she has been in the porn industry have made her very popular.
Description: In fact now that she has the work done on her face, I'd rather her have the implants.